Saturday, January 29, 2011


How to create scenario tasks for testing usability of learning content!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

How do you condense knowledge?

Stories and parables are shortcuts to remember important truths -- physical, theoretical, mathematical, and spiritual.  For example, the mote in the eye. It's easy to see other people's blindspots but not your own.  Therefore it's importance to change our perspective -- to look through someone else's eyes.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Four Reasons you need structure for informal learning @ Xyleme Insider

Four Reasons you need structure for informal learning @ Xyleme Inside

Excellent article on hosting webinars, and the need for both structure and some spontaneity. Informal learning does not mean you should not set objectives, present material, review what was learned. Especially interested reading about people do not always like jumping from slide to slide. Would love to see a replay of this webinar.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

27 Twitter Tools To Help You Find And Manage Followers

27 Twitter Tools To Help You Find And Manage Followers

Social learning -- it's the buzz. Don't follow too many people since I'm not totally a smartphone junkie, but my two favorite are Neil Gaiman and Penn Jillette. Not that I follow them for learning, they're just non-commercial.

What tools do you use?