Monday, December 03, 2012

List of Authoring Tools: Part 3

List of Authoring Tools: Part 3

Just found out that one of groups is going to quit using our LCMS because it's so bad at displaying graphics.  Need to review list of authoring tools. Instructional technology has come a long way since Authorware and Basic.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Virtual Learning Edge: Experience the Evolution of Virtual Corporate Learning

Virtual Learning Edge: Experience the Evolution of Virtual Corporate Learning

Interesting half-day Virtual Conference. Missed the live version, but hope to peruse the resources available.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Rapid Instructional Design - Thiagi's Take

Thiagi and Piskurich speed up the task by making the learning task more open-ended and constructivist in approach. Therefore, the design of instruction is often blended with the development and delivery of instruction. Most IDs don't often get to deliver (unless it's eLearning) and even then, they rarely have control over the environment in which the learning occurs.  Most instructors may have developed curriculum, but generally are often more likely to be subject-matter experts (SMEs) than curriculum developers.

I would like more opportunity to try out Rapid ISD approach and plan to do so in my upcoming projects as much as possible.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Alt•Ed Austin - Blog - Hop on the Education Transformation�Tour!

Alt•Ed Austin - Blog - Hop on the Education Transformation�Tour!

This sounds so interesting!  I'm ready to work where people love to learn and collaborate, and share, smile, coach and encourage. I'm ready for lots of positivity, energy, joy, and purpose in my daily life.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Some Differences Between Experts and Novices | Kapp Notes

Some Differences Between Experts and Novices | Kapp Notes

This is one of the challenges of being an Instructional Designer and translating the input from your SMEs into a format, chunks, analogies, visuals that work for your novices. Simplifying the complex. Often I'll feel as if I've emerged from a swamp, when I've finally distilled the intricacies and details into comprehensible overview.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Freestyle Language Center

Structure Pricing � Freestyle Language Center Freestyle Language Center

Social Learning in person.  In Houston, they have Spanish over Coffee.  Here we have Freestyle Language Center. After having studied Spanish for 5 years, I could read novels in Spanish and write book reports, but I couldn't speak it. After 4 mos. in Italy, I was fluent conversationally, especially one-on-one, but struggled with composition, reading literature, and group conversations.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Learning and Acoustics

Why Architects Need to Use Their Ears

This TED talk highlights an important aspect of communication and learning. As an ID for a call center, I'm always amazed how different our audio "scenarios" are from the real world of the call floor.

Even when I listen to calls for coaching, you come to truly appreciate how difficult clear communication is over distances with background noises.  It's funny, because I remember the original "open" classroom movement; in fact the elementary school in our neighborhood is vintage 70s school design with classrooms grouped together and separated only by moveable partitions around a center activity area where bigger groups can work together.   I believe in all of the upper grades, most of the partitions have been replaced by walls, for many reasons.

Unfortunately too often we ignore the central fact of learning and communication -- a message must be heard to be understood. Now say hooray for a moment of silence.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Official Austin Free Day of Yoga

The Official Austin Free Day of Yoga  I believe in a mind-body connection to learning and meditating, stretching, focusing on the rhythm of your breathing can help focus and relax you. Both are helpful for processing information.

Mary Esther Middleton is my teacher and one of the organizers of

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

MindShift | How we will learn

MindShift | How we will learn  Like this discussion of games in learning.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

ATPE - Teach the Vote - Teach the Vote

Thanks, Dr. Julie Westerlund, for keeping me informed about the public school debate in Texas. Dr. Westerlund is a professor of science education at Southwest Texas State University

ATPE - Teach the Vote - Teach the Vote

Sunday, July 01, 2012

CHART OF THE DAY: Android Is The Platform Of Choice In The Developing World - Business Insider

CHART OF THE DAY: Android Is The Platform Of Choice In The Developing World - Business Insider

Implications for mobile learning? Quick, up-to-date, nuggets of information that can be pushed out when needed (as requested by the consumer/ or sales person in our consumer society).  The capitalist revolution has won. But diamonds and gold are not the only commodities of value. 1s & 0s in an easily digestible chunk are right up there.

Monday, May 28, 2012



This is a great site if you think school should be about learning instead of standardized testing.  I have not stayed as fully abreast of the issue here in Texas as I'd like, but mandating end of course exams for all core curriculum AND making them count toward 15% of final grade should NOT be the our state lege's job.

Standardized testing does not increase learning.

Enjoyed hearing Matt Earhart, Austin ISD's teacher of the year speak today

Saturday, January 28, 2012


This looks like an interesting conference. Stephen Downes always has the most interesting stuff in his OLDaily. Want to try to view the Ustream.